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The Obvious Choice

Feb 25, 2021

This is the second part of the team's conversation on the topic of building a training business on a budget.


The Episode: Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke Part 2


Many online training businesses are built on a budget and these financial limitations do not need to curb your growth and success....

Feb 23, 2021

Today we have a discussion about the importance of focussing on your mental health.


The Episode: For Trainers Who Suffer From Mental Health Struggles


As trainers and coaches, we are well aware of the power of a proactive approach to health, and this is no different in the case of mental health. We believe that...

Feb 18, 2021

The OTA team look at the common doubts trainers have about appearances and external expectations. 


The Episode: But What If I Don't 'Look' Like A Trainer?


There is space for every type of trainer in the world of online coaching. The common image of a half-naked influencer that we see so often on social media is not...

Feb 16, 2021

Today our team talks about the usefulness of collecting social proof and testimonials from your clients.


The Episode: Get Social Proof To Add Validity To Your Online Training Business


Apart from being your focus, your clients are also your greatest resource as a trainer. Their experiences are what can take your...

Feb 11, 2021

The panel discusses some helpful strategies and tips for building a training business on a small budget.


The Episode: Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke 


Many of us who pursue a career in online training start from humble beginnings. Whether this be bootstrapping from the start because of...