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The Obvious Choice

Apr 29, 2021

Today the discussion focuses on how online coaching assessments can be conducted in the most effective way.


The Episode: How To Assess Clients Online


We have seen, time and again, how newer coaches give too much attention to assessments with their clients. That is not to say that assessments have no utility, rather...

Apr 27, 2021

Our team of experts discusses the right time to pay for advertising and the important steps that lead up to this moment.


The Episode: When To Pay For Advertising


It is a relatively common mistake for online business owners and coaches to start throwing money into advertising in order help or save their business. We...

Apr 22, 2021

The team sit down to discuss the most fundamental aspects of starting an online business.


The Episode: How To Build An Online Business When You're Tech Illiterate


One of the most powerful tenets of what we teach at the Online Trainer Academy is to keep everything as simple as possible. The First Principles framework...

Apr 20, 2021

Today the panel of experts talk about the important process of execution and how to turn training into a business.


The Episode: How To Execute


Education and learning are important parts of becoming an online trainer, but none of the steps that happen before execution mean anything if you cannot put your plans...

Apr 15, 2021

The team shares some of the lessons learned and the challenges posed by the process of launching a program. 


The Episode: What You Can Learn From Our Past Launches


The launch cycle makes up a large chunk of the work of any online trainer and there are unavoidable learning curves and hurdles that everyone will...