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The Obvious Choice

Nov 28, 2022

Jonathan and Ren are on their own today - what could possibly go wrong? Laughing at Elon Musk's master trollery and what lessons you can take from it, the Hangover Habit, and the pro coach move that helps you prevent frustrated clients. 

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Nov 23, 2022

Jonathan shares a recent bout of harassment he’s encountered online for being Jewish. The team discusses the misuse of the word ‘woke,’ and Ren and Amber try to explain to Jonathan why coaches buy expensive software for habit coaching. 

For more, listen and subscribe to the Goodman Show on your favourite podcast...

Nov 22, 2022

Pull up a metaphorical chair and listen as Jonathan shares the thought process behind the design of QuickCoach and how he's chosen to do it differently than any coaching app available. 

For more, listen and subscribe to the Goodman Show on your favourite podcast app.

The Goodman Show is presented by Quickcoach.Fit,...

Nov 21, 2022

Follow along as Jonathan and Co. talk about what grade level you should write at to best communicate with your clients and why it’s important. Learn more about what Jonathan means when he says, “Do dope shit and talk about it in a dope way.” 

For more, listen and subscribe to the Goodman Show on your favourite...

Nov 17, 2022

Jonathan shares the story behind the crapstorm that happened after the soft launch of the paid tier of QuickCoach. He tackles the upset reaction of some users, the app glitch that caused massive panic and shares how to handle when something goes wrong in your business. 

For more, listen and subscribe to the Goodman Show...